IMO, the reboot is better in terms of production value and the actual scripts. On the other hand, I do get the point that if you are used to the original, many of the new takes done by the reboot might be hard to swallow.
Other POVs:
*while the quality of the original is quite hit-or-miss, the reboot is far more consistent (although, ofcourse, its easier to be consistent for 40 episodes than for 100)
*the original has some dated takes on gender, foreign cultures and etnicity (albeit nothing more that can be expected from a 30 year old show) the reboot is quite excellent when it comes to diversity,
*the reboot makes a zillion references to other Disney cartoon, Duck comics, and related stuff, so if you are a Disney buff, there are lots of nuggets to look out for,
*the original's episodes all goes back to the status quo (with the exception of the serials ("The Treasure of the Golden Suns", "Catch as Cash Can", "Time is Money", "Super DuckTales" and "The Golden Goose") while the reboot is told in several seasonal and multi seasonal story arcs. Of course, its a matter of personal taste, which is the best.
*the influence of the original is a hard match, and the remake isn't in anyway close to having the impact of its predecessor
Personally, I can recommend DT17 to just about anyone I know, no matter their age, while DT87 would come of as quite infantile to anyone who isn't part of the show's target audience.