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The Moon is a celestial body orbiting the planet Earth, with Selene as the Goddess of the Moon.

In the 2017 series, when Della Duck took the Spear of Selene for a space flight, she got lost in a cosmic storm and ended up shipwrecked on the Moon.

Donald made an unexpected visit to moon to at the end of Nothing Can Stop Della Duck! when he accidentally rode the Spear of Selene and got trapped in What Ever Happened to Donald Duck?!.

When the Earth's shadow covers the Moon, it creates a phenomenon known as a lunar eclipse. Magica De Spell's shadow-based powers increase significantly when such an eclipse occurs.

There are very few forms of life on the Moon, such as Moon Scorpions and Moon Mites. The only known sapient species living on the Moon are the Moonlanders, whose members refer to the Moon as a planet.
