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The Chilling Secret of the Lighthouse! is a DuckTales 2017 comic book story, and the first of four prequel stories detailing the life of Donald and the nephews prior to the series' pilot.


The story of Captain Spirula is rehearsed to Donald by Mrs. Von Trap, a resident of Spirula Town, who reveals that Spirula was an explorer thought lazy and even mad. He came to believe that there were underground rivers beneath the town, and built a lighthouse in anticipation of them coming to light. Though his predictions were seemingly ill-founded and he was run out of town, the townsfolk have come to see the structure as a tourist attraction. Donald's new job is to refurbish the neglected building.

The boys quickly note that there is no running water in the lighthouse, and Donald supplies them with small kegs before confining them to an upstairs room. With Huey covering for them, Dewey and Louie escape to do some exploring, and find a gallery of paintings of Spirula. They then discover an ancient set of pipes beneath the building, which an irate Donald inadvertently bursts, flooding the town. Contrary to expectations, Mrs Von Trap is thrilled; Donald isn't, however, when she offers him the task of locating Spirula's long lost ship inside an active volcano.




  • Spirula Town

Trade paperback IDW reprint[]

vedDuckTales (2017) comics
Trade paperbacks (Treasure TroveMysteries and MallardsQuests and QuacksFowl PlayMonsters and MayhemMischief and MiscreantsImposters and Interns) • The Chilling Secret of the Lighthouse!The Repeating Revenge of the Screaming Duck!Big Trouble at Little Lake!The Great Experiment of the Washing Machine!A Viking at My Door!Old Monteplumage Had a Chicken!Cheating Like Nostradogmus!Beware of the Phenomenal Pumpkin People!A Series of Unfortunate Substitutions!Fight!Go, Go Golden Years!Happy, Happy Valley!The Giant Butterfly of Duckburg!There Is No Place Like a Ghost Town!Welcome to Beagle Island!The Stone of Truth!Sleep (Walk) of Doom!The Beast in the Board Room!Spies Like Us!The Frightful Family Fishing Trip!The Risk McDuck Refused!The Twisted Tale of the Two-Headed Horse!The Hedge Enigma!On the Tail of the Run-Amok Raven!When Luck Ran Out!Nightmare on Bear Mountain!Horror in the Highlands!The Greatest Adventure, the Greatest Price!Countdown to Termination!The Mighty Ducks of Duckburg!The Monsters Are Due at McDuck Manor!The Incredible Shrinking Webby!The Greatest Invention He's Never Had!Marooned in Mystery Mansion!Money-Grubbing Hooligans from the Deep!Flintheart... McDuck?!?Saga of the Super-Intern!Silence Is Golden!Phantom Science!Where No Duck Has Gone Before, Sort Of!Will the Real Launchpad Please Stand Up!The Renaissance Faire...Affair!Under the Cover of Can'tarctica!